Tuesday Tunesday is back! Today is the 7th installment of this raw-recording-acoustic song series. Just wrote this very quickly tonight. I would probably change some things if I were to perform it out somewhere.
Doing this song series to motivate myself to finish songs. I start lots of stuff and seldom finish things and it’s starting to get almost ridiculous how many unfinished snippets I have.
This particular song is NOT from an unfinished snippet but rather wrote the whole thing in half an hour tonight. Like I said, I would look at this later and probably reword the melody a bit to finalize it.
iphone voice memo app recording.
Punch a hole in the wind
and stick your head in
pierce the sky
make it cry
the devil made you do it
but you don't know why
the cup that you pour from is dry
oh I'll steal some from you
i've stolen before
and you never knew
i'll take all i can from you
and it will see me through
carve a sign on the tree
tag it so all can see
kick a stone
don't leave it alone
the devil's in my shadow
but i don't know why
this constant watchful spy
it's who i've invited now
it's who i have slighted how
it's who i've neglected
to lend a hand to
it's what I could have done
but didn't ever do