Gremlins by the Bridge

Time to run in place
That's what I do when winter’s here
I run in place up and down
And I stare at myself in the mirror

Hey you weirdo girl
What the heck you doing
Now searching in the fridge?
Go out into the world
Go find the gremlins by the bridge

So I go outside, one mile away 
Down to the lake, 
A sunny cold day
And wouldn't you know
Two little gremlins
They have a portable bunsen burner
And they are brewing tea
It's kinda a weird thing
And they offer some to me

So I drink tea with two gremlins
And we talk about mars
That's where they'll go after the 'Grace 
Where they'll buy some oatmeal bars

Oatmeal bars at the Amazing Grace
Taste like raw cookie dough
Highly recommend them
If ever to the Grace you go