The toilet paper
is being hoarded
Kitchen cupboards
filled with ramen
and rice
And everybuddy's
watching the news
Partly for the drama
and partly for advice
This moment is ok
It is fine and well
i've worked hard this day
but i cannot tell
sometime you grind
and put in the time
but you can't tell at all
and still feel behind
Minnesota Goodbye
I suppose I've got to get going
I suppose I suppose
I suppose that we must part
I suppose I suppose
I suppose I should at least
finally somehow start
To make my way to the door
Saying goodbye is an art
pick up a shackle
pick up a bar
pour some concrete
wherever you are!
build a little prison
brick by brick
and sit there and pout
until you are sick
Daylight Savings
the evenings are filled
with glorious light!
All sunsets should always
Be at night
...and not at 4 in the afternoon
a week without rhymes
that's ok sometimes
but i'll fill in the gaps
and no one will ever know
there are no guidelines
and no real deadlines
I write every day
i just forgot to show
for like a whole week...whoops!
I was distracted with the
Embassy church gig that I did
red wine and french fries
a lovely combination
I have not dank in over 900 days
I'm taking a vacation
from drinking
but i've been thinking
that it's been long enough
And this july I'll hit three years
So i'm prolly gonna
hop off the wagon
And go and have some beers
New Place
I'm moving into a new
Unit inside my building
It's a grand and sweeping place
it's basically my dream space
it's the penthouse
Where I soon will be
On the very top floor
I should throw a big partyyy